The Explosive Athlete


“This is the program I use to dominate life on and off the field. Simple targets with maximum effort have always given me the results I wanted. I continue to get faster and stronger with every workout, even after 15 years of training! I’m a footballer with a thirst for life. Follow this there-day-per-week program and stick with me. It’ll be worth it I promise. Simple and effective works every time. Instill the stye of training as a habit and you’ll never look back. - Scott

Day 1


50 Pushups in as few sets as possible

Triangle Pushups: 2 sets of 10 reps

Overhead DB press: 3 sets of 10 reps

Neutral Grip Pull-ups: 1 set of 10 (slow, controlled negatives)

Alternating Lunge Squat Jumps: 2 sets of 20 (10 each leg)

Day 2

Active Rest/Mobility/Stretch/Cardio (30 minute walk after your last meal is recommended)

Day 3


Chin-ups - 3 sets of 8 reps each

Single Arm DB Rows: 3x8

Straight Leg Deadlifts: 3x10 (aim for a long stretch in your hamstrings)

Goblet Squats: 2x20 (foam roll IT Band and Quads in between)

Seated Calf Raises/Standing Calf Raise: 1x50 each

Bent Over Barbell Row: 1x25 (yes 25!)

Skip and get as high as you can each lift off: 10 Jumps each leg

Day 4

Active Rest/Mobility/Stretch/Cardio

-Roll out IT Bands atlas 30x’s on foam roller + abductors and adductors

Day 5


Standing Barbell Overhead Press: 2x20 (grip close enough for thumbs to touch shoulders)

Inclined Pushups: 4x12 (point toes out in front of you to maintain a neutral spine at the top)

SUPERSET Prone Bench Rear Delt Extensions/DB Chest Flies: 3x10 each movement

Alternating Lunge-Jumps: 3x20 (10 each leg) (1 min. rest in between)

Flat Barbell Bench Press: 3x10 each

Bodyweight Jump Squats: 4 x 12

Day 6

Active Rest/Mobility/Stretch/Cardio

Day 7

Active Rest/Mobility/Stretch/Cardio